PB&J Concord Grape Smoothie Recipe

A new twist on a classic favorite! Try this mouth-watering, satisfying smoothie that will bring back childhood memories. This nutrient dense smoothie may taste like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich but is gluten-free and full of plant-power!



  1. Combine all the ingredients in a high speed blender (liquids first).
  2. Blend until smooth.


Written by: Jessica Morris

Originally published on: www.myvega.com

Cake Batter (Dairy-Free) Milkshake Recipe

Have your cake and eat it too! This smoothie is a healthy indulgence that tastes just like cake batter. Celebrate your birthday every day with this nutrient-dense delicious treat!


  • 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • ½ cup vegan vanilla coconut ice cream
  • 2-3 cubes of ice
  • 1 serving Vega One French Vanilla
  • 1 tsp cashew butter
  • Naturally colored sprinkles
  • Unsweetened shredded coconut


  1. Blend all ingredients (except for sprinkles and shredded coconut) in blender.
  2. Top smoothie with shredded coconut and sprinkles.
  3. Serve and enjoy!


Written by: Jessica Morris

Originally published on: www.myvega.com

The Benefits of Outdoor Workouts

Are you ready to be the best version of you? Whether you’re a fitness guru, or a fresh face to world of health and movement, this column is your new home (gym). You can expect articles, photos and videos on sports nutrition, optimal weight and energy! As a certified nutritional practitioner and personal trainer who has worked with professional athletes, Olympians and celebrities, I’m ready to share my unique approach to health and fitness to help you thrive.

Summer is definitely my favorite time of year. A mixture of warmth and sunlight makes me want to spend every moment I can outdoors. Being able do outdoor workouts during the warmer months in Toronto definitely has its advantages, other than getting a nice glow!

Recently I took my regular cycling routine and turned it into a weekend endurance ride where I spend anywhere from 1 to 4 hours cycling. This has become very therapeutic for me in many ways, both riding in a group and riding alone.

Here are my top reasons to train outside, and a quick workout routine you can do anywhere!

outdoor workout

1. Fresh air

I truly believe and have experienced myself, that training outdoors and taking in fresh oxygen allows my body to train more efficiently. I find a huge difference in my energy levels when I work out outside (especially surrounded by trees) versus training in an air conditioned or heated gym. You can take advantage of fresh air and training outside by playing going to a park, lake or ocean and walk, jog, Frisbee or volleyball. The options are limitless! Be creative and find a friend, family member or partner and discover a type of movement you enjoy outdoors!

2. Group workouts

One thing I have recently seen pop-up in many communities is outdoor group workouts. I find that meeting a group to train is extremely motivating and empowering. You know what they say, “you are who you surround yourself with”. If that’s the case, surround yourself with active and healthy people to inspire you to be even better. 

There are endless opportunities to get outside and sweat for all levels. Look for group workouts in your city: outdoor yoga, park bootcamps, baseball, soccer, volleyball and more. Check out your local newspaper, gyms, yoga studios and social amateur athletic clubs.

outdoor workouts

3. Opportunity to DIY

If you’re not into group workouts, or would rather just gather a group of your close friends for a sweat session, use my go-to quick, efficient full-body routine you can do anywhere.

Perform each exercise for 10 to 12 reps all the way through, and repeat 3 to 4 times.

Warm up: Jumping Jacks or jogging (5 minutes)

  1. Squats: Squat down at a 90 degree angle, like you’re sitting in a chair. Make sure your knees do not go over your toes.
  2. Push-ups: Keep your core tight and have your chest graze the floor.
  3. Triceps dips: Using a bench or chair dip down with straight legs, to 90 degree bend in your elbow and push yourself back up to straight arms.
  4. Lunges: (10 per leg) Place your hands on your hips and lunge one leg forward to 90 degrees while your back leg and knee graze the ground.
  5. Burpees: Jump up with your arms reaching for the sky. Transition to hands on the ground, legs and feet back to a plank position. Optional push-up. Tuck legs back in towards elbows and jump back up to the sky!
  6. Plank and side planks: Hold as long as possible.
  7. Ab bicycle: Lying on your back with your hands behind your head, reach your opposite elbow to knee and then switch, for a total of 10-12 reps per side.

Don’t forget to stretch!

It’s time to get out and enjoy the weather, meet new people and switch up your training. I practice what I preach, and have seen positive results from training outdoors and hope to inspire you to do the same.

What’s your favorite activity to do outdoors?

Written by: Jessica Morris

Originally published on: www.myvega.com

What matters more for healthy weight loss?

Are you ready to be the best version of you? Whether you’re a fitness guru, or a fresh face to world of health and movement, this column is your new home (gym). You can expect articles, photos and videos on sports nutrition, optimal weight and energy! As a certified nutritional practitioner and personal trainer who has worked with professional athletes, Olympians and celebrities, I’m ready to share my unique approach to health and fitness to help you thrive. 

A very hot and debatable question I hear in the health and wellness field from many of my clients is: Which matters more—fitness or diet when it comes to sustainable and healthy weight loss? Can we out-exercise a poor diet, or is food our foundation?

With so many controversial fitness and diet trends and theories such as clean eating, paleo, and juice cleanses (to name a few), it’s easy to be confused on what is best for sustained weight loss, or optimal weight. So what is my take on which is more sustainable for weight loss? Glad you asked

Sustainable versus short-term goals

While short-term fad diets and crazy workouts may work for a few people who need to get fit quick (for a fitness competition or bikini body), I will be discussing sustainable, long-term fitness and nutrition goals and how to reach them.

I believe that sustainable weight loss is a happy marriage between food intake and exercise output, I also believe that the quality of the foods you eat and the quality of your workouts play a key role to achieving sustainable goals. Studies have shown that while both food intake and exercise have individually been proven to be effective with weight loss, the combination of the two is most effective for long-term goals.

Fitness for weight loss

If you’re looking for a way of exercising that is sustainable and healthy, choose an activity that you enjoy. I know it sounds simple, but many people join fitness groups or activities that they absolutely dread because it’s the latest craze or they want a quick fix and will do whatever it takes. The downfall to this is that it’s unsustainable. I recommend taking a month to try as many different forms of activity a possible and see what you enjoy the most. Maybe you sample yoga, weight training, running and Crossfit to name a few. Once you find your fit, make a schedule and stick to it. Finally, find friends who can join you in your exercise routine, which in my opinion will excel your progress as you’ll be more likely to work out if you have the extra support!

Nutrition for weight loss

Sustainability doesn’t just apply to a successful workout routine, it also applies to what you eat. Notice that I never use the word diet? This is because I don’t ever want anyone to think they are on a diet. Rather, I encourage people to find a way of eating that is a happy medium between being pleasurable and beneficial to their body and the way they look. I believe and educate clients that eating whole, natural foods, and mostly plant-based, is optimal.

Every body is different and has different needs, but the one consistent rule of thumb when it comes to choosing foods for your grocery cart or your plate, is eating simply: fresh (local, organic when possible) foods from mother nature. The term nutrient density should be top of mind. Eating foods that have high amounts of vitamins and minerals should be a priority.

Food rotation and variation is also important. So many people are in zombie-mode when grocery shopping. Choosing your favorite foods every week (even if they’re healthy) can actually turn out to be stagnant in terms of nutrient variety. In order to get a well-rounded balance of nutrients in your diet, eat the rainbow! Select a variety of different fruits and vegetables and challenge yourself to try a new fruit or vegetable every week. Mix it up!

If you’ve ever heard the saying “70% of how you look is what you eat and 30% is exercise,” you will understand the importance of nutrition when it comes to optimal weight. As a personal trainer, I can see this in my clients. No matter how hard the work in the gym, if their food intake isn’t on point, it shows. This isn’t to say that exercise doesn’t have its benefits! Exercise, whether or not your goal is weight loss,  improves mood, increases energy and promotes better sleep. 

Both are extremely important in their own right, but it’s the proven combination of the two and how you approach them, that will help you reach your weight loss goals faster.

Bottom line: you cannot out-run a bad diet!

Written by: Jessica Morris

Originally published on: www.myvega.com


  1. Wu T, Gao X, Chen M, van Dam RM.  (2009). Long-term effectiveness of diet-plus-exercise interventions vs. diet-only interventions for weight loss: a meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews 2009; 10(3): 313-323.
  2. United States Department of Health and Human Services. (2008). Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Accessed on 9/8/2014 from: http://www.health.gov/paguidelines/guidelines/default.aspx

Diabetes Month: How I turned a "negative disease" into a positive lifestyle change

My health journey began at the tender age of 11. After losing a dramatic amount of weight in a short amount of time, and feeling off for several weeks, alongside frequent thirst and fatigue, my mom decided to take me to my family doctor. I remember sitting in the room and getting my finger pricked to test my blood glucose (or sugar) levels. With a result of extremely high blood sugar levels, my doctor immediately diagnosed me with type 1 diabetes—I remember seeing my mom’s eyes swell up with tears, looking extremely upset. I, on the other hand, had no idea what was happening or how my life was about to change.

11 years of eating and drinking whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted was all about to change, dramatically.

Living with the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes

I was quickly entered into a whirlwind of education, learning everything about food, my body, my blood sugar levels, insulin and what diabetes meant. Without a doubt, it was a lot to take on as an 11 year old, but I didn’t know any other way. I knew I had to make a choice: either participate, learn as much as I could and live a healthy and happy lifestyle, or say “screw it” and let diabetes take over my health, and ultimately my life.

For those of you who may not know, diabetes is classified into two types: type 1 diabetes, usually diagnosed to people under the age of 18 which has been linked as a genetic disorder, and type 2 diabetes, usually diagnosed during adulthood which has been linked to lifestyle factors (such as obesity and poor dietary choices).

I remember having to adjust to my new routine of testing my blood glucose levels 4-5 times per day, and taking insulin injections 4-5 times per day. Having to inject myself with needles throughout the day sure made me tough, real quick!

How nutrition helped me manage type 1 diabetes

I met with a dietitian who created a meal plan for me that was based on the Canadian Food Pyramid. My meals consisted of all macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) which seemed like a good idea until I started to feel sick. Almost every meal had a slice of bread, and a glass of milk alongside the main course. Little did I know, I was lactose-, and gluten-sensitive, which drained my energy. Soon after feeling constantly low on energy and bloated, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

After months of reading nutrition books and trying many different styles of eating, I discovered the power of eating plant-based. Filling my plate with veggies and pseudograins, while ditching bread and milk, made me feel like an entirely new person. I regained my energy levels, and ultimately my happiness.

They say “you are what you eat” and I truly believe in this quote. I can personally see and feel how different foods effect my blood sugar levels, mood and weight, very very easily. While over the past 14+ years I have experimented with almost every way of eating out there, I can definitely say that eating a diet that is rich in whole foods (mostly organic and plant-based) has made me thrive. Soon after studying at University of Toronto, I became a personal trainer, indoor cycling instructor and holistic nutritionist, which all helped me control my diabetes and help others regain their health.

I refuse to let diabetes run my life

Most people who meet me, don’t realize or know that I have type 1 diabetes until long-after we get to know each other. This is because I don’t let diabetes run my life. Many people think if you are living with the disease, it takes over your life, that you are restricted to many things—such as foods or activities—but I am here to let you know that this is simply a myth. I like to show people first that I live a normal life, then tell them I have diabetes. I always find it humorous to see their shocked faces and answer all their questions.

Even though I was diagnosed at an early age, my outlook on dealing with this life-threatening disease, has helped me to take care of myself. 

Whatever may happen to you in your lifetime, it’s all about your attitude.

When challenged in life, you always have the choice on how to handle the situation. Although sometimes staying positive may seem like more of an effort, I can promise you it is worth it in the end.

Today, I continue to eat well, exercise six times per week, and surround myself with like-minded friends. Support and positivity have led me to turn what may have seemed like a negative disease into a positive lifestyle that can hopefully encourage and help other people to take charge of their health and be the best versions of themselves.

Written by: Jessica Morris

Originally published on: www.myvega.com

Winter Workout Strategies


Don’t give your workouts the cold shoulder during the winter months. While snow, ice and freezing cold temperatures may leave you feeling like you don’t want to get out of bed or off the couch, look at this season as an opportunity to change-up your workout routine, whether you decide to try a new class at the gym, try out a winter sport or even try working out at home! Don’t catch the winter blues, cheer up and take notes on how to stay fit during the winter months!

1. Try a new class

If you’re a loyal (or not) gym member, it’s time to step out of your routine workout plan, and dive into a new and exciting class. I love recommending friends and clients try a class that is offered at their gym because it challenges their bodies (and muscles) in different ways than their regular routine. Whether it’s a body pump class, zumba, or a spin class, make an effort to step out of your comfort zone. You might even make a few new friends along the way!

2. Warm up with hot yoga

If you just can’t seem to warm up during the cold winter months, hot yoga is a great way to strengthen and lengthen your muscles, not to mention warm up the body! If you haven’t tried hot yoga before, try a few slow flow classes beforehand, to prepare your body for when you do decide to take a hot power yoga or Bikram class. Be sure to hydrate and replenish electrolytes peri and post yoga. I personally drink and recommend Vega Sport Electrolyte Hydrator in my water during sweaty gym or yoga sessions to keep me hydrated and happy!

3. Outdoor playtime

Skiing (downhill AND cross-country), snowboarding, skating and snow-shoeing are all popular winter sports for those of us who live in climates that are cold enough for snow. Not only are these sports fun, but they are fantastic workouts, especially for your legs and core muscles! If you haven’t had the opportunity to engage in any of these winter activities, I highly recommend you do. If not, try something as simple as sledding, tobogganing or even shovelling snow—your parents, roommate, or significant other will thank me later! Just be sure to dress warm, in sweat-wicking layers to stay safe, while not freezing OR overheating.

4. Get creative with at-home workouts

Cold blizzard days that confine you to your home shouldn’t be thought of as days off from working out. Learn to look at your home or apartment as a gym in its own right. I like to use my stairwell to climb stairs, or my kitchen table chairs to do triceps dips on. Check out my top at-home workout moves include squats, push-ups, lunges and planks that you can do inside your own home! If you want to add weights to your at-home workout, try using soup cans, water bottles or water jugs! You can also roll out your yoga mat and watch a DVD or YouTube video for some inspiration!

Avoid having the winter season discourage you from working out; instead, use the four seasons to your advantage. Consistently changing your workouts is not only fun, but it allows you to use your body in different ways, challenging different muscles and maybe even discovering a passion for a sport of activity that you didn’t realize you were talented at or enjoyed so much! Try to get a friend or family member to join you while you work out, because two fit bodies are better than one!

Stay warm!

Written by: Jessica Morris

Originally published: www.myvega.com